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Monday, August 30, 2010

Wanted, Muslim Dead Or Alive.

Salam pembaca untuk si penganggur:)

Ni aku ada nak kongsi dengan korang. Benda ni aku baru je tgk semalam. Sape2 nak tengok boleh la pergi kat sini yeh

Tekan lah next untuk tahu selanjutnye. atau baca saje kat bawah ni. Tapi tengok gambar mcm syiok siket kan. Jadi tekan lah next.

When a Jew grows his beard, he is doing it in other to practice his faith

But the hell when a Muslim does the same, he is called the extremist and terrorist?

When a nun covered from head to toe, she is doing it in order to devote herself to God.

But when a Muslim girl does the same, when is she been oppressed (treated cruel and unfair)?

When a western woman stays at home to look after her house and kids, she is respected by the entire society because of of sacrificing her life to her house.

But then, if a Muslim woman does the same, why the hell she been oppressed?

When a girl go to university wearing what she wills, she has her rights and freedom.

But why the hell when a Muslim girl wears hijab, they prevent her from entering the university?

When a child dedicates himself to a subject, he has potential and talent.

But when he dedicates himself to Islam, he is hopeless.


When a Jew kills someone, religion is not mentioned.

But when a Muslim is charged with a crime, it's Islam that goes to trial.

When someone sacrifies himself to keep the others alive, he is noble and everyone respects him.

But when a Palestinian does that just to save his son from being killed, his brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped and his home being destroyed, and his mosque being violated; he gets the title of terrorist.

Why? Because HE IS A MUSLIM.

I am a Muslim; kill me and call it collateral damage. Imprison me and call it security measure. Exile all of my people my people and call it New Middle East. Rob my resources, invade my lands, after my leaders and call it democracy.

diambil dr link seseorang yang menggangur..

10 days be4 Ramadhan Is Gone!!


                  Alhamdullilah...ana masih dapat menghirup udara yang nyaman pada pagi Ramadhan...Ana tahu ramai yg waktu dia bangun je...kuyu matanya..hingus dan air liur menitik2...ha3.. memaen jer...Jadi,dkt sini just nk sentuh pasal Ramadhan...dah masuk hari ke bape dh nie...10 hari sblm habis puase...So, amalkan sebaik-baiknye..Moga kte dpt Rahmat dan Lindungan-Nya ketika di Akhirat..

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p/s:sebarang kata-kata adalah gurauan semate2..Jadi jgn ambil hati yer!! 

~sori,rhyme salahla...x reti buat pantun..:)~

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Entitle Of DAy!!

salam 1 ummah bg kengkawan ana...dh lame dh x tulis blog..he3 dh kekok dh!!..ari nie xde cesc fabregas ngan avatar.....
ooKamie-Chan: ceh!!

Sebenarnya x tahu la nk tulis ape??....okie,dh ingat.....

TRIAL!!! tidak.....ana nak target tinggi2 dpt result yg baik yg blh bwk ana ke SBP ... 
doa yer!!...haraplah dpt 9A, haraplah dpt gi SBP,  harap......harap...harap.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

i dont understand some kinda people that throw their HEARTS,LIVES,EMOTION AND LOVE AWAY!! i REALLYDONT UNDERSTAND!! DOES IT FEEL THAT YOU LOST YOUR HOPE!! NO!!!!! OF COurse NOT!!

hOPE iS eVerYWhErE...BuT iF YoU FiNd It caReFuLlY...:]
It wIlL bE bEsT iF yOU'rE BlInD...yoU cAn FiNd LoVe CuZ LoVe Is alSO Blind!!

WhAt iS ThE mEaNiNg Of HaPpInEsS?? pEopLe WiLl sAy "SoMeThInG tHaT iS SpEcIaL tO Us lIkE a jEwEL iN sAnd,ONes yOU fInD iT yoU wIlL KNeW hOw it Feels"...
BeInG sAd??..PeoPlE WiLl sAy "sOmEtHiNg ThAt Is So HaTrEd OneS yOu FiNd It YoU WiLl GeT To FeEl tHe PaIn!!"
sO????KeeP MoViNg CuZ LiVe Is sO mUcH pReCiOuS tHAn wHaT yOu ExPeCtEd!!